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Integrated Water Solutions

Sustainable Solutions for Water Conditioning


Hydropath Technology is distinct from other water conditioning methods due to its induced signal that conditions fluids throughout a system. The technology induces a safe 150kHz signal throughout plumbing systems made of any material, with the pipe or fluid acting as a conduit for signal propagation. This prevents scale and biofilm buildup and gradually removes deposits, reducing energy, chemical, water, and maintenance costs while extending equipment and pipe longevity.

Electric induction is performed using a transducer and ring of ferrites. The water inside the pipe acts as a conductor, transmitting the induced signal throughout the system. The AC signal creates suspended crystals in the water, preventing ion attachment to surfaces. Tests show Hydropath Technology is much more effective and efficient than other technologies.

HydroFLOW offers a range of chemical-free water conditioners to address scale, corrosion, bacteria, and algae. The durable, water-resistant conditioners are easy to install, simply encasing the pipe and connecting to a power supply. Units are available for pipes of all sizes.